Encouragement · Sow Kind

#SowKind: A Movement of Kindness

The #SowKind movement isn’t a just a cute, naïve gesture. I don’t believe kindness is the solution to gun violence, domestic abuse, racism, or human trafficking.

I DO believe kindness manifests within a person and the overflow is splashed onto the likes of anyone standing near. I DO believe kindness has a ripple effect. I DO believe if you communicate kindness new doorways of relationship open. I DO believe we are living at a time when the loneliness rate is higher than it’s been reported in years, and kind words shared/received feel similar to being seen and known [the antithesis of lonely].

To #SowKind is to scatter kindness. Like seed, some will produce and some won’t. That’s not the point. Our job is to be seed-sowers. The result is outside of our control.

You reap what you sow. I must have heard this phrase a thousand times growing up. It took me a long time to understand the message behind the words. I sowed self-preservation during my teenage years, and my loneliness was prolific. I sprinkled lots of anger through my divorce that cultivated resentment.

BUT, I have been changed by the sacrifice of the kindness of others. The prayer someone took the time to pray over me, the card overflowing with encouragement that arrived at just the right moment, and the unexpected invitation to dinner when loneliness threatened to steal any remaining joy…they all had a profound impact on my life. Kind words invite healing, and our tiny gestures join other gestures to create ripples and waves of love that leave a lasting impact.

#SowKind is a grass-roots effort to scatter kindness and make an impact one word at a time. Who in your circle needs kindness sown into them? Will you be the one to meet that need? Who has impacted your life with acts of kindness? Do they know just how much that meant to you? Will you tell them?

#SowKind isn’t new, it’s now! There’s no better time to join. Are you in?

Write a letter, put it in the mail, repeat.

#fiveminuteimpact #movementofkindness

• _sowkind •

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