Encouragement · Sow Kind

Sowkind Starts NOW!

I’ve had an idea ruminating in my mind for several weeks. While dusting my floors (because I’m a little neurotic about floors), a random phrase popped in my head. Five minutes and the cost of a stamp. What? After a few minutes of contemplating the meaning, I decided to write it down. As soon as I wrote it down, two more phrases emerged.

Five minutes and the cost of a stamp.

Low cost. High return.

Movement of kindness.

I liked each of the phrases but I had no idea what it meant, how it all fit together, or what to do with it. As the words continued to occupy every waking thought, I decided to share the idea aloud with all manner of unsuspecting people. Every time I shared , another piece of the puzzle seemed to fall into place.

Do you remember the novel and movie, Pay it Forward?

In Ryan Hyde’s book and movie it is described as an obligation to do three good deeds for others in response to a good deed that one receives. Such good deeds should accomplish things that the other person cannot accomplish on their own. In this way, the practice of helping one another can spread geometrically through society, at a ratio of three to one, creating a social movement with an impact of making the world a better place.

I remember loving the concept after watching the movie. I immediately began savoring the idea of making a positive difference in the world, but it felt far too grand and far beyond my reach.

When I began dreaming about making a difference in my world {versus the world}, the #sowkind idea was born. We have the ability to make a positive impact by releasing words. That’s so simple. If we sow kind, we can expect to see a movement of kindness.

A few years ago, one of my friends made an impact on me with her words of kindness. She started sending me cards that I’ve held on to and reread countless times. Know why? Life is hard and it’s easy for me to remember all the ways I am blowing it. I often rehearse my failures and forget any of the good contributions. She began sowing kindness into me and her words of encouragement renewed my strength.


Say it forward movement 4


How often do you think kind things about someone that never move from your thoughts to your mouth? Maybe they’re held hostage in your head because fear tells you they might not be well-received. Maybe it’s too vulnerable. Brene Brown says we are hardwired for connection. Turns out, vulnerability is the pathway to connection.

The decision to #sowkind isn’t based on perfect conditions, but a belief that it can make an impact. The driver is kindness, not a card of encouragement in return (although that IS nice). This isn’t a scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours deal. This is love in action; a movement of kindness for the sake of making the world a little better-one decision at a time.

Here’s how #sowkind works. You carve out five minutes, grab a notecard, think of one person you’d like to encourage with authentic words of kindness, write your note and include the hashtag somewhere on the note so your recipient can keep the movement going, slap on your stamp, and put it in the mail. That’s it! Simple, right? Best of all–you are free to release a kind word as often as you’d like.

Bob Goff, author of Love Does, often encourages his audiences to tell the people in their life who they are becoming. Instead of holding someone in the position of who they were, calling out the good you see in them invites them to step into newness. That’s always been such an appealing statement to me. Why not call out the gifting you see in someone? What if, like the rest of us, they have been busy rehearsing their failures?

Think about teachers, adults, neighbors, family friends, doctors, relatives, coaches, or those that share your address. Could any of them benefit from a strong dose of kindness? What would happen if you told them how meaningful they were/are in your life? Does someone come to mind right away? Start your #sowkind with that person.

Tell the teacher how the interest they took in your life made an impact. Call out the good qualities you see in the troubled teen. Remind the widow how their tenacity is inspiring. Encourage the mother living at the hospital with her sick child. You get the idea. Right?

After you write your letter, snap a pic and post it on social media using #sowkind so we can cheer each other on. I’m not asking you to disclose your words to the rest of the world, but maybe take a picture of the front of the card or share who you decided to encourage and why.

For this to become a ripple, I need YOU. Are you up for sharing this within your circles, on social media, and with anyone that has ears? Don’t hesitate to invite your book clubs, bunco groups, lunch buddies, teammates, study partners, and siblings to join in on the fun. While you’re at it, don’t forget to invite the recipient of your letter to #sowkind. Use the hashtag and phrase, “a movement of kindness”, on the card to invite the recipient to get involved.

Are you ready? 

Let’s do this!

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P.S. I’m so grateful you are joining me in this movement of kindness. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions if you aren’t sure about how this works. Okay? I’m cheering you on as you release your words of encouragement and kindness!!!! Share your journey here in the comments or on my social media pages. I can’t wait to jump up and down and squeal with you!


23 thoughts on “Sowkind Starts NOW!

  1. Love this #sowkind movement, sister, and I love how you obediently respond to the next thing God is moving you toward :-). Joining you on the journey…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m in and love the idea! How wonderful a day becomes when you receive mail from someone. I have received notes from my parents Nd friends for many years and treasure these notes. I have also sent notes and it’s such a sweet blessing both ways. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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