Faith · Grace · Hope

Broken, Leftover Pieces


I stared at the giant, broken Lego set and secretly hoped to find a way out of “repairing” it. Although I didn’t have a hand in its original creation, I previously performed emergency surgery. With this particular robot, or machine, or {who knows what it is}–parts just seemed to consistently fall off!

So, I did what any good mom would do…I stared at the object and I stared at the stray parts…for an undetermined {very silent, very pensive} amount of time! Did I mention this was a mega creation with lots–and lots–of pieces? After a quick assessment, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to simply connect a piece here or there-I would have to consult the original instructional manual, roll up my sleeves and get to work.

And so the morning went.

As I first deconstructed the mega whatever it was, it was obvious that some parts had been misplaced originally-be it ever so slightly. No wonder the blasted thing was ALWAYS falling apart.

The thought of deconstructing the masterpiece, in order to reconstruct it properly, brought some anxiety to my little Lego lover. Secretly, I was enjoying being his hero as I “fixed” the problem.  I took off a piece here, and then replaced it properly there, and all the while I couldn’t escape the spiritual analogy that loomed in my thoughts.

I’ve tried {numerous times} to put pieces of my life together in ways that seemed to make sense. I’ve forgotten to consult the instruction manual {the Word}, and therefore made a mess of things. I’ve ended up with pieces falling off, or apart, or appearing correct but not fitting just right, and then wrestled anxiety {like a mad woman} as spiritual deconstruction ultimately ensued.

Spiritual deconstruction looks different in each of our lives. For me, the deconstruction has taken the form of pride removal and self-sufficiency detoxing. I’ve spent seasons of my life being exposed in ways that felt out of control-only they weren’t-just temporarily out-of-order.

But just as I had to take Lego pieces off the model, in order to place them properly and thereby make the creation stronger…God has done that in my life and I believe He desires to do that in your life, too. But…and there always seems to be one of those…we’ve got to want that. Deep down want that. Tried of being weary, tired of being hurt, tired of being lonely, tired of being angry and weak…want that.

My little guy had to come to me, his loving mother, and ask for help. He had to be willing to trust that my hands were sure and able to fix what was broken. And then…he had to wait and watch as I slowly rebuilt what was broken.

Don’t you see it? God doesn’t desire for any of us to walk around with broken or leftover pieces of our lives. His character is loving and just. However, He does require our surrender–our humility to bring ALL of our life to Him and ask {believing} for a reconstruction of our heart, mind and spirit. Yes, deconstruction hurts and temporarily weakens us, but the end result, the reconstruction, is far more secure.

If you feel broken, take your life {and all the pieces} to Jesus. He will do far more than anything you could ask or imagine. He authored your life…He wants to make you whole…let Him complete the work in your heart. It will be better than what you brought Him–I’m confident of that!

The righteous cry, and the LORD hears And delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:17-18

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31

PS-I’m not saying it will be quick or easy, but I am saying reconstruction will happen. He will renew what has been destroyed!

4 thoughts on “Broken, Leftover Pieces

  1. Once again, you have given me just to right things at the right time. I am trying to help Jordana with her struggles as a new mom, and new relationships. This is just a great article to share with her.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The deconstruction process has left me feeling at times like I will not be put together again. But, yes, yes, surrendering to Him and following His gentle hand put me together. Painful, difficult, but in the end, so worth it. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

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