Encouragement · Letters from the Heart

Dear Single Gal

  I asked Krista to pen today’s letter. She came into my life, by way of a book launch team, as a 3D friend. You know, the one who laughed and didn’t know a stranger. The one who shared her story openly and stood in the wide open spaces of relationships. She is passionate about…… Continue reading Dear Single Gal

Community · Encouragement · Letters from the Heart

Dear Texas, I Was Wrong About You

Today’s letter comes to you from a woman whose voice I treasure, wisdom I crave, and friendship I cannot imagine myself without. Together, we have almost driven the wrong vehicle off the car rental lot, attempted to repair a sagging car bumper [thankfully not on a rental], logged hours of conversations in crowded coffee shops,…… Continue reading Dear Texas, I Was Wrong About You

Encouragement · Healing · Letters from the Heart

Dear Dad

Today’s letter unveils a story I’ve had the privilege of watching over the years. It was written by the man who sees all my meltdowns, mess-ups, and smells my morning breath. Eww. This is part of my husband’s story that takes a peek behind the curtain of his public life. He graciously and reluctantly, agreed…… Continue reading Dear Dad

Encouragement · Letters from the Heart

Dear Friends in Low Places

Today’s letter comes to you from a friend I’ve logged many hours laughing with. She is the type of person who is authentic, unafraid to tell the truth about her self, and willing to step into someone else’s mess [including mine]. She makes up the best dance moves, always has a funny story to tell,…… Continue reading Dear Friends in Low Places

Encouragement · Healing · Letters from the Heart

Dear Foster Baby, I’ll Never Stop Loving You

This letter was written by my friend, Letty. When I first read her words, I had to pause several times to collect myself. It’s such a beautiful expression of authentic love. Be prepared to experience the tenderness of her heart and the unique outlook she has on fostering. If you want to grab a tissue,…… Continue reading Dear Foster Baby, I’ll Never Stop Loving You

Encouragement · Letters from the Heart

Dear Mom, You Need to Hear This

Dear Mom, Every year that passes, I realize how much I need you and how much you have been in my corner-even when I was blinded by self-centered desires. Your unconditional love was on display through it all. If only there were adequate words to convey the emotions in my heart for the gratitude I…… Continue reading Dear Mom, You Need to Hear This

Encouragement · moment of truth monday

Moment of Truth Monday: April Edition

Moment of Truth Monday: I am the student who sometimes requires a do-over. As much as I long to learn concepts the first time, certain lessons just don’t stick. While I used to begrudge my “slow” learning style, I’ve come to appreciate that some lessons are worth repeating. I originally wrote a version of this…… Continue reading Moment of Truth Monday: April Edition

Community · Hope

One Decision Changed my Friendships

A couple of years ago I made a decision that had an impact I could NOT have imagined. I was scrolling, actually probably more like trolling, through social media one morning when I saw a tweet that caught my eye. It invited readers to apply for a book launch team. My book-loving self wanted to…… Continue reading One Decision Changed my Friendships

Belief · Encouragement · Healing · Hope

The Truth About Triggers

Trigger warning: __________________. It seems like every other post I read has a ‘trigger’ warning. These warnings, while intended to be a nod toward consideration {and I appreciate that kindness}, give me permission to scroll on when I may need to sit with big emotions. The fact of the matter is, we were created to experience deep feelings. That’s…… Continue reading The Truth About Triggers