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#Sowkind Suggestions: 2019 Holiday Edition

Last year, I shared a #Sowkind Thanksgiving Takeover post. While I still stand behind every suggestion in that post, it is time to expand our vision. This year, while eagerly awaiting the return and reunion of my maturing children, I cannot ignore an often overlooked subject.


It presents in many forms. Singles have a story. They desire to be honored, not ignored.

When I met my husband, he had resigned himself to being single, and he was over the relationship status questions. Know when it felt the worst for him? You guessed it-large family gatherings. Even though it was not the heart of his family to make him feel less than, a strange stigma often accompanied his singleness. It felt more like a sentence than a season of life.

Mind you, the singleness stigma is often perpetuated by the discomfort of the non-single person. So, if you are in a season of singleness, it is my goal to intentionally honor you this season. If you are not in a single season, please tune your heart to the needs of those around you.

After asking a few of my beloved single friends, here are a few ideas to consider as you gather in the coming days and weeks.

#Sowkind Suggestions_ Holiday Edition.png


Single friends, I see you. Your life enriches mine. You bring something uniquely stunning to every conversation and situation you encounter.

As a non-single, please speak up if those who love you are being insensitive. Some of us are unaware of how awkward we can make things. My effort to #sowkind in this season is all about awareness. May every gathering be an opportunity to honor a life, not highlight a status.


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The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. Walt Disney

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