
Stand Firm


I am a runner.

When pressure is high-

If words are unkind-

When fear overwhelms-

I run.

I am a runner.

I run to protect myself-

I run to avoid the full measure of hateful words-

I run from hurt-

No training is necessary-

It’s instinctual-

I run.

Just yesterday-my running shoes cried out to me…begging me to lace up and head out. BUT, because my running is erratic and reactive, it’s never well thought out. So, I didn’t accept the invitation to run.

Early in the day-I opened an email and couldn’t get past a back handed compliment cleverly-and intentionally-tucked into the closing line. A jab neatly tucked into a pleasantry. It was intended to bite. It did.

My hurt gave way to anger and all I wanted to do was run.

Not look back.

I am a runner.

After a lot of wrestling and complaining, I knew God was leading me to stand firm. To keep my feet planted firmly on the ground, in one place. And then I remembered this verse, “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

You may be a runner also. You might run to avoid difficult circumstances, conversations, or people—like me. I don’t know if you’ve examined your motive for running, but in my “whitespace” (last night) I confronted my “why”.

I run because I don’t believe that I will be protected, and I fear being annihilated. I run to avoid pain. I run because of doubt…

So, after carving out some quiet space, I decided I wanted to be a “stander”…

That back handed compliment…and believe me, I have been guilty of dishing out my fair share…well, I had the choice to accept it, or reject it.

Guess what decision I made?

To stand. To stand firm in Him. If I am giving myself “fully” to the work of the Lord, my labor is not in vain. In Exodus 14:14, Moses tells the Egyptians, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Oh how my human nature wishes that verse said something about running just as fast as you can…but since it doesn’t, it’s worth giving the other a try.

So I rejected the insult and I unlaced those running shoes. I decided to quit running.

I am a “stander”.

I will be still…unmoved.

It’s not easy.

It’s unnatural.

It requires discipline and training.


I will stand.

PS–my running is purely metaphorical!

7 thoughts on “Stand Firm

  1. Where were you yesterday with this post? Huh? Beautiful truth I so needed to hear yesterday–and still need to hear today. Thank you for courageously unlacing your shoes and putting your words into print. This uncomfortable tactic helped you…and it helps me to get through this day. I love you friend. You are amazing…wonderful…gracious…kind…and a true sister in Christ. Just thought you needed to hear some up-front and center truths about you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Today – in the midst of chaos I am choosing to stand instead of wanting so desperately to run.

    Thank you for encouraging me today – especially.

    Love you friend


  3. I tend to want to run from job. I want to think that I need to be somewhere else when I know God has me where he wants me. Thanks for reminding me to stop running😏

    Liked by 1 person

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