
Holding On

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)

When I think of holding on, it is usually directly linked to something. I tell my children to “hold on” when turning a corner quickly and I imply that they need to hold on to something that will keep them steady. I ask a caller to “hold on” as I answer the relentless persistence of my 6 year old. When plunging to an uncertain death on the roller coaster I’ve invited my children to “hold on” and clearly I am instructing them to hold the bar across their lap…for their ultimate safety.

Holding on to hope seems a bit harder. Doesn’t it? I mean what is hope and how do you hold on to it? I met this verse when I was literally face down on the ground and pretty certain that I was not going to be able to recover from that position. No hope to speak of, no strength remaining to grip anything other than fear.

Hope is, however, exactly what I needed. To hope, as a verb, is to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence; to believe or trust. The greatest trial of my adult life was hopeless. But my journey to find and hold on to hope would prove to be a blessing far greater than I could have imagined.

I literally imagined myself with hands gripped on a steering wheel. This wheel was not my life or attached to a vehicle! I envisioned myself holding on tightly no matter which direction the wind blew, the force of the gust, or my personal feelings! The hope/the wheel in this picture was my belief that the Lord had gone to great lengths to save me and my current circumstance was no exception. That He loved me with an everlasting love. That He would never leave me or forsake me. That He alone was able to do far more than anything I could ask or imagine.

This verse is an admonition for christians. A plea to persevere-not in one’s own ability, but in the faithfulness of God. His promises to His children are not retractable. His ways are different than man’s and His promises are irrevocable. There is the hope we so desperately need.

This Hope allowed me to rise to my feet. To stand in His mercy and ultimately to walk in His grace. This is the “hope” I desire to hold tightly to…unswervingly.

“So let’s do it-full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word.” Hebrews 10:23 (MSG)

7 thoughts on “Holding On

  1. This was exactly what I needed to read and the truth I needed to remember today. Thank you for such a beautiful, encouraging work of art that inspires me to “hold on” to Christ no matter what I feel or see. Love it and love you! Please keep ’em coming!


  2. Great. Could I have permission to share with the class of adult I teach on Sundays? I believe the members would find your words encouraging


  3. Well said, Alyssa. It is my Hope in God’s promises that have kept me rooted in my faith. I cannot imagine what my life would like without “unswervingly” holding on to God! Thank you for sharing your heart through the gift of your writing.


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